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2003 JCNA AGM: Board of Director Meeting Notes
By Steve Averill

News Archive Index

posted 4/14/2003

Springtime in Charlotte – The Board of Directors Meeting

I knew it was going to be a good meeting when I actually managed to drag myself out of bed in time for breakfast and discovered that the Charlotte weather was beginning to clear. En route to the meeting room, I was pleased to see many people I see far too little, most of whom were determined to do a little JCNA business while having a good time.

Gary Hagopian called the BoD meeting to order right on schedule at 8AM. However, this isn’t a blow-by-blow recounting of who moved what and when and all that stuff. It’s about some of the business highlights and some of the dynamics. As a spring BoD meeting, it had a mix of “old timers” and newly minted directors, along with a sprinkling of visitors and guests. The smaller room and arrangement of a BoD meeting compared to an AGM creates a more intimate atmosphere; this year it was a friendly one as well.

After things kicked off, we went through reports and policies and motions and stuff. Here, you get to read about the secret side of a BoD meeting. We looked at possible vacation destinations (candidate locations for the 2005 Challenge Championship). We lapped up juicy scandals (the secret that not all clubs update their officer rosters to JCNA promptly and JCNA director elections have a recurring problem with invalid votes due to a variety of causes, none of which involve chads). We got to see sneak previews of the lovely new JCNA brochure and the even lovelier newsletter award booklet. We got to see almost religious fervor in action when Dennis Eynon told us all about the latest developments in the 2003 Challenge Championship. We got a perk (who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch?). Finally, we got to see just how fast Gary Hagopian goes when he foresees the possibility of missing one of the excellent AGM-related events.

My daughters always refer to board meetings as “boring” meetings. But a few things popped out that will affect all members and a few more that will affect our clubs. Jaguar publishes a magazine with a title of the same name. It’s got Jaguar stuff in it (what a shock!) along with lifestyle content. It appears we may be able to get complimentary copies sent to JCNA members on a regular basis. There are details to work out but it’ll happen if we can protect our members’ privacy. In addition, it appears if the magazine “Roar” may be sent to club presidents. This alone should be a reason to keep club information to JCNA up-to-date. Affecting our more active members, the BoD discussed upgrades to JCNA slalom and rally trophies. The recommended solution is an elegant and appropriate approach.

Affecting clubs, but less visible to most members were insurance details provided by the business committee, new features at, and why the old “automatic” newsletter awards were replaced with the “send stuff in” awards. Anyway, all these items are covered in the committee reports published on

Anyway, we got through the whole agenda and adjourned in a timely fashion. Could we have asked for more?


JCNA Directors hard at work while delegates and members enjoyed touring Nascar shops!

Left to right from center : Gary Hagopian, Daniel Thompson, Steve Averill, Dick Deibel, Dick Cavicke, Judy Ferring

left to right... Jerry Wise, Lynn Cunnigham, Marcy Croy Wavely, Doud Carr,
Bill Streitenberger, Dennis Eynon, Phil Wert, Jim Hendrix, Mike Cook


left to right... Steve Averill, Dick Deibel, Dick Cavicke, Judy Ferring, NElson Rath,
Lisa Hendrix, Barbara and Brock McPherson