11 Dec, 2016
What's that Knocking?
I’ve had my 1970 E Type for 37 years now, (bought it in 1979) taking it on numerous weekend trips over the years, it’s never left me stranded.
I keep a plastic sheet under it in the garage, since…

05 Jul, 2016
IEJC Jaguar is Star of New Chanel Campaign
Jennifer Hanson's 1992 XJS is featured in the newest Chanel commercial:
Check out the video here:
Play video A view into the eyes of a man. A man who knows his freedom has no limits. More on…

26 Mar, 2016
The Long Journey to Get a Classic Back on the Road
It seemed like a good idea at the time. Find a classic Jaguar in need of a minor restoration and bring it back to its former self with all its space, pace and grace. I had been thoroughly enjoying my…

09 Mar, 2016
Join Us as Jaguar Takes Center Stage in Pittsburgh July 8-17
By Bryan Williams, Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh
The Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh will be a major participant as Jaguar is honored as Marque of the Year at the 2016 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix July 8-17…