Sponsored by the Jaguar Drivers Club of Long Island. Event will include for Jaguars- Driven, Championship and Special classes and will be judged under JCNA concours rules. Awards will be given to the first three places in each class. For additional information go to the club website. www.jaguardrivers.com
Separate concours will be available for other British and selected international and special interest cars approved by the Concours Committee. These cars will be judged under Concours Sanitaire rules.
As this will be the 50th Anniversary Show to help celebrate this milestone-period clothing will be the order of the day.
Event Date
Event End Date
Event Location
Vanderbilt Estate and Museum 180 Little Neck Road Centerport NY 11721
Event Website
Event Chairperson
Mike Carroll
Chairperson Address
9 Frazer Court Greenlawn New York 11740
Chairperson Phone
Chairperson Email
Event Sanctioned