Hello Jaguar Lovers

Just purchased the above cat without owners books, (unable to find some) and I am searching for the cruise control switch. Now there is a speed limiter where the cruise control switch was.

Second question, when I tilt be seat back towards the from, I hear an electric motor running, but nothing is moving. I assume the head rest should go down when the back of the seat is tilted forward. should I assume again that the belt actuating the head rest is broken inside the seat? Fixing this DOES NOT LOOK EASY AT ALL.

Can someone shed some light on this one.

Thank you for you time.

Kind regards

SFJC Treasurer

Submitted by desp8838@bells… on Wed, 01/22/2014 - 22:25

Hi Steven

Thank you for coming to the rescue. My email is desp8838atbellsouth.net or michel.sfjcatsfjc.org.
If you could send the bulletin to fix the problem I may have a look at the project .


Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Wed, 01/22/2014 - 20:28

Hi, Michel,

The ASL switch is the only control you have for the Cruise and ASL. When pressed and the LED is lit, the ASL is active. When pressed and the LED goes out, the Cruise Control, in your case Adaptive Cruise Control is active. There is no actual OFF/ON switch.

If you seek out Technical Bulletin 501-58, you will find a procedure to repair the headrest drive mechanism. An internal cable housing needs to be shortened so the drive cable stays engaged. It's not a repair for the faint of heart, you may want to leave it to a dealer near you. If you can't locate the bulletin, leave an email address and I'll try to dig it up and send it along.

You have fun with that Victory!

Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Wed, 01/22/2014 - 20:09

Edited on 2014-01-22 20:31:13
Hi, Michel,

The ASL switch is the only control you have for the Cruise and ASL. When pressed and the LED is lit, the ASL is active. When pressed and the LED goes out, the Cruise Control, in your case Adaptive Cruise Control is active. There is no actual OFF/ON switch.

**Note: The more I think about this, you may not have Adaptive Cruise, it could be standard Cruise Control. Sorry.**

If you seek out Technical Bulletin 501-58, you will find a procedure to repair the headrest drive mechanism. An internal cable housing needs to be shortened so the drive cable stays engaged. It's not a repair for the faint of heart, you may want to leave it to a dealer near you. If you can't locate the bulletin, leave an email address and I'll try to dig it up and send it along.

You have fun with that Victory!