Picking up from the other thread that is currently under discussion, it seems that both Daniel Thompson and Art Dickenson have suggested at various times that there be a directors stipend of $1,000 per year per director to facilitate participation in regional activities and to encourage directors to visit the various chapters within their region.

Being the new kid on the Board, it seems to me that such a stipend makes a lot of sense. I remember Daniel raising this last year, but don't recall any action on it. Is this something that might make sense? It seems that one of the main complaints is a lack of coordination among the clubs in JCNA, and a lack of communication between local clubs and their respective Regional Directors. Perhaps, with a stipend, Regional Directors would be more likely to attend functions with their region and communicate with the various clubs they represent.

If there is sufficient support for such a proposition, I would propose the following language be presented to the AGM in March to be added to the JCNA By-laws:

"Each calendar year, each Regional Director shall be allotted a stipend of up to $1,000.00 to be used to defray the cost of attending functions at various clubs in their Region other than their home club, visiting or meeting with officials of clubs within their Region other than their home club, and otherwise communicating with clubs within their Region other than their home club. In order to receive reimbursement for such expenses, a Director must submit a claim form to the JCNA Business Manager detailing the purpose of the expense and each item of expense, and must be accompanied by copies of receipts for all out-of-pocket expenses. Expenses for mileage (which will include gas, oil, maintenace and insurance) will be paid at a rate of $.32 per mile. The stipend may not be used to defray the costs of attending any function of the home club of the Director, the JCNA AGM, JCNA Board of Directors meetings, the Challenge Championship, or any club function sponsored or run by a club outside of the Director's region."

Please let me know if you think such a proposal makes sense, what changes, if any, you might want to see in the wording, and whether you would support such a proposal. If I receive sufficient support for the idea, I will submit this proposal to the Secretary for inclusion on the agenda for the upcoming AGM

Steve Weinstein, JTC-NJ
JCNA Northeast Regional Director

Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Fri, 01/30/2004 - 09:12

I agree witht he need to encourage directors by helping with the financial expenses they incur when travelling to other events however let's not go over board...

I think it should be restricted to travel to clubs annual sanctioned concours since this is were most of the membership meets and subject to the director addressing members/participants on JCNA issues.

It should only cover basic expenses like hotel room and gas expenses... let's not go over board with meals, etc... not sure how delegates and members woudl react to such a vague and overly generous proposal...

Pascal Gademer
South Florida Jaguar Club