Can we consider a committee or a single person who can contact one of these national parts companies that will sponsor and/or supply Jaguar parts for us. It seems it is getting harder and harder to find parts for my Jags. It isn't that I have a 1930 model either. I have a 1989 and 1985 XJS. These are common cars and yet I can never find a rotor button or distributor cap in a timely manner. You would think that as many national members that the JCNA has we would have a little power with some of these so-called parts warehouses that advertise they have every part imaginable. I think it would beneficial for national memberships to contact these stores online and voice their opinions about how these companies serve their customers. At least the store employees could tell me that cannot get the part, not tell me it will be here in the morning and it does not show up.

Submitted by dougdwyer@adel… on Tue, 07/26/2005 - 00:10

Edited on 2005-07-26 0:11:32

Johnny, I'm sure those store employees you mentioned were not trying to be deceptive. There's obviously a problem with their inventory system.

Parts availibility for 80's vintage Jags is really quite good, all considered. I very seldom have problems getting parts. I suggest that you try some of the outfits who specialize in Jaguar stuff....Coventry West, Moss Motors, XKs Unlimited, etc. You might be happier with a specialist.

What parts are kept "in stock" at any parts store or warehouse is almost entirely driven by demand. A good outfit tracks "lost sales" and, if the demand is high enough, they'll start stocking the item "on the shelf". If the demand is small you can't blame them for not stocking the item.....inventory that doesn't "move" is the kiss of death in the auto parts business.

If you'd like a particular parts supplier to stock XJS parts, the easiest and most sure-fire way of making that happen is to encourage all your fellow XJS owners to call that company with their requests..... when they see the demand, they'll carry the inventory.

Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1987 XJ6 Ser III
1988 XJS V12 Coupe