North Central Directors Phil Wert and Mike Ksiazek are sponsoring a proposal at the AGM that, due to a tie vote, failed to pass at the 2003 Fall BOD meeting.

They're proposing that the "distance rule" reduced from 500 miles venue to venue, to 200 miles, for events on the same weekend. From the tie BOD vote, one can see that there's merit on both sides of the issue.

How about changing their proposal to read: "500 miles for events on the same day, and 200 miles for events on same weekend, the events being of the same type." ie., concours vs. concours, but not concours vs. slalom, etc.

Two concours on the same day w/in 200 miles of one another mean an entrant must choose one or the other, but if only on the same weekend, that entrant could do both if motivated.


Submitted by on Mon, 03/17/2003 - 22:08

then maybe if we assume that most members are more interested in their own region, the 500 miles rule could be relaxed between regions but not within a region.

For instance, in sept, both North GA (atlanta) and Suncoast (Tampa) are holding their concours. Take members in north FL like Tallhasse, Jax, of even southern GA like Savanah they are half way in between...

Even was considering going to Atlanta, it's not that far would have been fun to spend the week end up there...

Yes conflicts are always hard to resolve and some, well, are inevitable... then it's up to the member to choose... Sorry George but between your Concours/rally/slalom and the Lime Rock event... I didn't hesitate...

As to dealer support, George is right. Dealers will not support a club just for the benefit of the club. We need to get them something in return and that something is to the opportunity to display and sell cars. They do have territory lines to respect and can't cross them easily... South Carolina is lucky to have a very suporting dealer, I've been to a couple of their event in Charleston, it's great to see the dealer actaully interested.. not just showing a few cars but hosting a reception and attending the award dinner. In exchange it's clear the dealer needs the opportunity to get some business. Joint events would make that not possible. It doens't mean that joint event can't happen, but it can't happen with help from dealers... or substantial help.

Pascal Gademer

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 03/17/2003 - 21:01

In other words open your purse but do not take center stage for puplicity or exposure. They are in business. In SC we have two of the most supportive and giving dealers but they want something tangable for their effort. they would not go for this and more important I do not know anyone with enough nerve (or stupid enough) to ask. It is this type of attitude that keeps dealers from becoming involved. This idea is a non starter here.

George Camp

Submitted by on Mon, 03/17/2003 - 20:41

David Meck
Jaguar Drivers Club Area 51

I replied to someone on this topic but I can't remember who.

The dealewrs would support "their" club. The concours committee would be made up of members from both clubs. The respective members would ask "their" dealer to provide some level of support be it mugs, a dinner, showroom, whatever. So the dealer would in effect be supporting "their" club, not the event per se.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/17/2003 - 20:35

David Meck
Jaguar Drivers Club Area 51

The dealers would support "their club" not the event per se. The concours committee would be made up of representatives of all the clubs involved. The committee members would ask "their" dealer to provide support for "their club". So one club might provide mugs and the other would provide the catered dinner. The dealers are supporting "their" club, so no toes would be stepped on.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/17/2003 - 20:27

David Meck
Jaguar Drivers Club Area 51

The number of clubs with in 500 miles of Area 51 is around 14. Possibly more. 500 miles is 500 miles. When Louisville, Cincinnatti, or Indianapolis hold a concours, according to the rules NO ONE from Philadelpia, PA. to Kansas City, MO., Milwaukee, WI. to Little Rock, AR. can hold a concours. Now that is a very large chunk of real estate. Draw a circle with a radius of 500 miles around with St Louis as the center. You are talking about a diameter of 1000 miles! Yes the cars would be judged once. Yes another concours could be held in a near by club with a convoy between them. This is a suggestion to add a little latitude and make the rule some what easier to live with. Thats all. Dave Meck

Submitted by on Thu, 03/13/2003 - 20:25

Hey George,

Are you talkin' to me? Are YOU talkin' to ME?? ARE YOU TALKIN' TO ME???

Sorry, I was doing my "Taxi Driver" impersonation there......

First of all, it is wonderful that you have GREAT dealer support. I've been talking to clubs across the country and there is an serious deficiency in dealer support nationwide. When I planned to do this regional concours and draw in multiple clubs, I did not plan on getting any dealer support at all. Jaguar Cars, the parent, has shown some interest in supporting the event with money and infrastructure, but the event will go on with or without them. Our local dealer only provides token support, but to be fair, we haven't pushed them too hard (yet, but we will). This will be a cross border event, so imagine the red tape and overlapping jurisdiction we'll get there!

I don't know the answer to your question, but it is an enviable position to be in! Do these dealers hate each other? Can't they just agree to split everything down the middle for this one event? If not, then I think you've got to get Jaguar corporate involved. Let the money come from them and the dealers can send people as "civilains".

One thing I think we REALLY need to do (JCNA that is) is put enormous pressure on Jaguar Cars Inc. to be more supportive of JCNA, the regions and the clubs. It is DISGRACEFUL that they don't show more support. I say we apply serious pressure to them, even to the extent of embarrasing them in public if necessary (Gary's gonna kill me for this).

You've got to tread lightly though, you've got the dealer support and you don't want to mess that up.

Daniel Thompson
2002 X-type
1968 E-type
1958 MkIX
1952 XK120

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 03/13/2003 - 19:58

There is a problem in your plan that we in SC have not been able to work out. We have GREAT dealer support-but- the dealers are forbiden to cross lines and they take that commitment very serious. How would you do your joint meeting, get both dealers involved (with credit) and not run afoul of the their legal agreements?

George Camp

Submitted by on Thu, 03/13/2003 - 08:31

"This proposal is to "allow" the clubs to co-sponsor concours events and receive credit for hosting a concourse thus fulfilling the requirement to host a concours event annually."

" The committe chair person notifies JCNA and JCNA gives both clubs credit for hosting a concours. This way, more clubs can receive concours credit and the "congestion" is reduced."


Where did you get the impression that it is IMPERATIVE for all JCNA club to hold a concours? Or that the key to a successful club is holding a concours? In my opinion, you can be a very successful club, meeting the needs of the vast majority of your membership and keeping them happy, WITHOUT holding a concours.

Technical seminars, fun drives, long distance driving tours, drives/brunches at out of the way restaurants, slaloms, rallies (both fun and serious), visits to local restoration shops and specialty shops, vintage racing, high performance track days etc. etc. etc. Offer your members a little bit of everything and do not hesitiate to ask them on a regular basis what it is they like and want. Ask departing members why they left to gain valuable feedback.

My local club has never held a concours. This year, we will be enlisting the help of clubs from all over the Northeast and holding a "regional" concours, hosted by us, with participants from half a dozen different clubs. This will be a lot of fun and a lot of work, but it is not something we will do every year! We hope to make it a tradition in the Northeast that each year one club picks up the ball and organizes a regional concours and invites all the other clubs in the region. They do it out west already with the "Western States Meet". Why doesn't your club get in touch with the other clubs in your region and see if this can be done?


Daniel Thompson
2002 X-type
1968 E-type
1958 MkIX
1952 XK120

Submitted by on Wed, 03/12/2003 - 07:36


There is a provision in the current rules to allow events to be held on the same week end if the reginoal directors and clubs agree to it. so there is no reason why 2 clubs couldn't hold a joint event.

Although the way you suggest it, it would still count for 1 event sicne cars are judged once. Another solution is do what Arizona did last year, one club on Sat, one on Sun. with a caravan between them. I don't know if it worked but it's a good idea since it means members only needed to prepare their cars once...

I don't necessarily agree on the congestion because you need to take the number of clubs in a region not nation wide. so that's at most 5 or 6 clubs within a 500 miles radius, not 59.

down here with 3 clubs within 220 miles, we dont' have a conflict problem, and even when the recent JAX club holds a concours, there is still plenty of week ends.

Persaonly, I dont see the need to change the rule to 200 miles, a number of members drive to concours , 3, 4, 500 miles away and there are plenty of week ends in the year if all cooperate.

Pascal Gademer

Submitted by on Tue, 03/11/2003 - 22:02

David Meck
Jaguar Drivers Club Area 51

In the rule book there is rule that prohibits two clubs with in 500 miles of each other from having their concours on the same day. As I understand it, there have been several attemps to change this rule. Since it has not changed perhaps we can embellish it and thus make it easier to live with.

In the USA there are 59 Jaguar clubs. There are 52 weeks in the year, most ending with a weekend, imagine that! So assuming that the concours will be held on weekends, we have 52 week ends. I have not seen very many concours scheduled in the dead of winter so, lets assume that all 59 clubs are going to try and have their concours between April and September give or take a few weeks. That boils down to 24 weekends or, 48 days for 59 clubs to host a concours across the nation.

Jaguar Cars has let it be known that they want local dealers to support their local Jaguar Clubs. Some cities have more than one dealer but for the smaller cities that have only one Jaguar dealer, Jaguar would like to see a local Jaguar Club for the dealer to support. This means growth for JCNA and, more congestion.

What I propose is, to allow two or more clubs in an area within 500 of each other to host a "joint" concours. The specifics would be worked out between the clubs involved. This proposal is to "allow" the clubs to co-sponsor concours events and receive credit for hosting a concourse thus fulfilling the requirement to host a concours event annually.


Cincinnatti and Louisville are 80 miles apart. The two clubs get together and decide to hold a concours together. This would boost attendance etc. The Concours committee is comprised of members from both clubs. The committee works out the details of who will provide who what and where. The committee will also decide how trhe bills will be split between the two clubs and how the profits will be distributed at the conclusion. The committe chair person notifies JCNA and JCNA gives both clubs credit for hosting a concours.

This way, more clubs can receive concours credit and the "congestion" is reduced.

David Meck

Submitted by on Thu, 02/27/2003 - 21:54

I'm sure these gentlemen had some very specific idea or situation in mind when they made this proposal. I'd like to hear why they are proposing this before making my decision. I'm sure they will take the time to stand up and describe for the assembled delegates at the AGM the reasoning behind their proposal.

I agree with Gary though, when you think of 200 miles between two concours on the same day that is cause for concern.

2002 X-type
1968 E-type
1958 MkIX
1952 XK120