I do not have door keys for my 74 E Type. Can they be obtained some how by the VIN. I do have the boot key, but it doesn't appear to have any numbers on it.

Dick Bartick 1974 E Type OTS 2000 XJ8 L

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 08/29/2003 - 21:44

Wind window up. Remove door trim. Pull back weather cover and remove two nuts and one clip and there you are. When you get it off take the whole thing to a locksmith. He will know what to do.

George Camp

Submitted by dick@bartickfa… on Fri, 08/29/2003 - 18:21

George, That sounds like the best idea. If it is easy, how do you do it?
I assume you have to remove the door trim panel etc.


1974 E Type OTS
2000 XJ8 L

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 08/28/2003 - 22:11

You know that if you take off a dor mech. (very easy) and remove the lock barrel any good locksmith can read the wafers and cut you a key.

George Camp

Submitted by NE52-32043 on Thu, 08/28/2003 - 10:37

I don't know about getting keys made by VIN number. It's been my understanding that you can't. However, several places sell new, matching cylinders for the E-type door handles, and come with keys. Not terribly expensive and relatively easy to change yourself.

I've always wondered about the utility of door locks on an OTS. All they do is keep honest people out. Someone really intent on getting something from your car, or stealing it, will either push in the plastic rear window or slash the hood. Either an alarm system or a pit bull will probably be more effective in keeping unwanted intruders out.

If you're worried about theft, a hidden ignition cutoff switch might make some sense -- just set it up so it kills the spark but allows the car to turn over, so the thief will think he simply can't start it. An entirely dead ignition will send him searching for the cut-off, especially if he knows you drove the car there.

Steve Weinstein, JTC-NJ
'72 E-type 2+2