I recently joined the Delaware Valley Jag Club, and was told they do not issue membership cards. How then, do I give a JCNA number/info when registering for an official event (Slalom etc.)?

B. Shriver

Submitted by bbshriver@eart… on Fri, 01/03/2003 - 09:31

I had in my mind that JCNA was a national club with local "branches" not a bunch of local clubs with some sort of loose bond (Federal gov't vs. Confederation gov't?). That's how most of the other club's I'm a member of (NASA, XKClub, NRA etc.) operate, so it's just what I had been expecting. I guess it should have been a sign to me when the club application is located on a regional club's website, not on the main site.
Maybe I should have joined the JTC instead of DVJC, since they are both about the same distance from me (it takes me over 2 hrs to drive to an average event for either). If I actually KNEW anyone with a Jag in my area I'd want to start another local club, but it's hardly worth an attempt for one person!

B. Shriver

Submitted by dthompson@gbc.ca on Fri, 01/03/2003 - 08:59

Young Mr. Shriver,

I think you have to remember just what JCNA stands for: "Jaguar Clubs of North America". It is just that, a compilation or collection of various clubs across the USA, Canada and Mexico. JCNA in and of itself doesn't really exist as an entity (although it has a legal entity), it simply represents this collection of clubs. This is where JCNA differs greatly from, let's say, the Jaguar Drivers Club or the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club over in the UK. You don't "join" the JCNA, you join your local club and they register you with JCNA as a member of the local club who is entitled to a JCNA member number (which is not the same as the member number your local club may give you) and a subscription to the Jaguar Journal. In the UK, when you join the JDC or the JEC, you really do join the JDC or the JEC. They are a National club with local chapters; JCNA is a collection of local clubs with a National umbrella.

Some of the clubs are very well organized, some are less well organized. In some cases an enthusiastic person will reply to your enquiry in a matter of days, in other cases you will be left wondering if "anybody's home".

I always laugh when people say "I don't like JCNA..." or "JCNA did this, JCNA did that...." Just who is "JCNA"? The answer is JCNA is the clubs, no more and no less. And JCNA will always be as good (or as bad) as the clubs make it.

2002 X-type
1968 E-type
1958 MkIX
1952 XK120

Submitted by bbshriver@eart… on Thu, 01/02/2003 - 21:15

So what is the next journal I should be receiving?
Out of curiosity why are the new registrations done in such a way that they are nearly automatic. For instance, I was told that the receipt of my DVJC newsletter confirmed my membership, which means I must have been "recorded" somewhere. If they record this on their computer, why not have it sent out weekly, or monthly or something. I'm not really a computer database genius, but it seems there should be a more efficient way. I joined NASA online, and got my card etc. within a week.

B. Shriver

Submitted by mfrank@westnet.com on Mon, 12/23/2002 - 07:58

Actually, there's plenty of time until slalom season :-(, you should have this well sorted by the time it matters. Your membership number will appear on the mailing label of the Jaguar Journal. Nobody's ever asked to see my card....

Mike Frank

Submitted by ghagopian@jcna.com on Mon, 12/23/2002 - 00:16

Hi Brandon,
You can call Nelson Rath for your JCNA number if you haven't received it yet, or you can get it from the MAILING LABEL attached to every issue of the Jaguar Journal. It's the number preceeded by the letters "N.E.", which stands for the northeast region, in which the DVJC resides. Hope this will help. BTW, Nelson's # is: 888-258-2524.

Gary Hagopian

Submitted by warren.hansen@… on Sun, 12/22/2002 - 22:58

That was an unreasonably ambiguous answer they gave you. The JCNA membership card is issued by the national membership chairman. Depending on when you joined, you should be getting a card from them sooner or later -- probably later, based on what I have observed lately. I think they make them out of bits of flint using a mallet and chisel. They are issued on a calendar year basis, so if you joined near the end of the year you may get billed for 2003 membership dues before a card is created for you.
