A question has arisen again that is not directly addressed in the rules. Should we require times to be reported to hundredths of a second or thousandths? (ex. 12.34 or 12.345?) One of our member clubs is looking to buy timing equipment, but the watches that are part of the system only record to hundredths (x.xx not x.xxx).

From my point of view, hundredths should be sufficient. Looking at last years results, it does not seem that any situations come up regularly that would require a difference greater than one-hundreth of a second. In order to assure that all clubs are submitting similar results and so clubs can buy equipment that will comply with reporting requirements, we should adopt a uniform rule on times to be recorded during competition and reported to JCNA as official results.

I therefore propose that we adopt a rule as follows:

All times recorded in JCNA slaloms shall be with timing equipment that can measure to at least one-hundredth of a second (x.xx). Each club shall report the fastest time recorded by each competitor to the hundredth of a second to JCNA as their official time for that event. Where timing equipment is used that records to the thousandth of a second, clubs shall drop the last digit and record only the time to the hundredth of a second as recorded by the timing equipment. Times shall not be rounded up.

Comments please.

Steve Weinstein, JTC-NJ
JCNA Slalom Committee Chairman
JTC Slalom Chair
'72 E-type 2+2
'89 XJS Coupe

Submitted by jagbrowser@Jag… on Wed, 05/21/2003 - 17:51

the 100th time is adequate for the type of events we conduct. Most decent stop watches will give a 100th time. The electronic timers are great but should not be required until more that two cars start showing up for some of the local events I've set up.

Dave Eckrote
'91 XJS Convt.
'87 Vanden Plas

Submitted by NE52-32043 on Thu, 05/15/2003 - 12:11

Excellent suggestion, Rod. We're looking into available systems and cost and will be making a proposal to the BOD for authorization to purchase loaner systems that can be borrowed by member clubs. Hopefully, we can get the wireless systems that make setup and maintenance very simple.

Steve Weinstein, JTC-NJ
JCNA Slalom Committee Chairman

Submitted by Rodwinegarner@… on Wed, 05/14/2003 - 23:20

I agree with Steve's proposal to report times to the hundreth of a second. Does the proposed rule allow usage of watches that record at the hundreth or will clubs required to utilize an electronic timing system?
On a related note, I would suggest that JCNA purchase two timing systems- one for the East and one for the West regions which could be used by clubs without an electronic system.

Rod Winegarner

Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Mon, 05/12/2003 - 20:14

the way you typed it, LOL in between arrows it seems they get dropped when displayed... it shows on the email notice.

just stick with :-) :-( will you ? we don't need no fancy color icons... that's for AOL... :-)

Pascal Gademer

Submitted by warren.hansen@… on Mon, 05/12/2003 - 16:24


I agree with the x.xx concept. More precision than that will only be in order once the program is underwritten so we can provide real prize money! This practice could surely be implemented by general agreement until such time as the "official" rule could be adopted in accordance with the JCNA bylaws.


Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Mon, 05/12/2003 - 13:10

100th make sense...

speaking ot timers, the track lent us their timers in phoneix, we need to find out who makes them forgot the brand. Big bright 6" display with wireless transmitters. no cables, no hassles.

Out of the 2 sets we had, from JANE and JOCLA, 1 failed, don't remmeber which. I know GAry's set is always a pain to set up because of sulight interference

definitely somethign to look into and as suggested before, have JCNA purchase one or 2 sets to loan to clubs. With proper reusable packaging, it's easy to ship around.

Pascal Gademer