Will a series 1 E-type bonnet fit a series 2? I'm going to fix or replace my series 2 bonnet. I like the covered headlights of the Ser 1 but I don't know if it will fit. Anybody ever done this? Headlight conversion is a lot of work.

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Thu, 01/16/2003 - 02:07

Never tried this myself and don't know whether it will work, but few will pay much for such a bastard if you ever try to sell. Please keep this to yourself if your attempting it on an OTS or FHC - I couldn't bear to hear of it. If you still feel inclined to ruin your car, beware of proper air conditioning compressor clearance assuming you have A/C. Horizontaly mounted S2 compressors need the special late S2 bonnet, yes there were two kinds. If I recall correctly, I've snickered at lots of S1.5 bonnets on S2's and vice versa and I walked away quickly without popping their bonnets. Also, proper shimming at the front of the bonnet and other adjustment points is not for the faint hearted. If you ever get the rear side panels to line up correctly quit your day job and go into the jaguar body repair business. Of course, if you can figure out how to do this so the origianl bonnet will go back on, and fit correctly, what's the harm?

Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
'69 E-Type 2+2
and other LBC's