November 27,2004

Is anyone aware of a felt bonnet seal placed at the rear of the 150 or other XK bonnets-referencecs, pictures, descriptions?


Ron Gaertner

Submitted by judgejamescoll… on Sat, 12/31/2005 - 17:51


Such a "vibration isolator" was present on the cross brace towards the rear of the bonnet on my June, 1958 XK 150. I say "was" because it disappeared when I had the body Redi Stripped some years ago. I hope to be sending the car to the painter in 2006 and would also be grateful to receive advice re: the material and best technique for reinserting the isolater after painting. As I recollect it, the material appeared to have a surface more akin to that of a closely cropped bristle rather than flat felt. Amherst, MA

Submitted by SE21-35014J on Sun, 11/28/2004 - 00:23

Ron, A similar felt seal a you describe is also found under the rear lateral bonnet stiffner on the XK 140 Jerry Ellison
Fayetteville, NC

Submitted by SE12-36896J on Sat, 11/27/2004 - 20:39

November 27, 2004

To: Dick Cavicke

Dick- you have always been most helpful in the past, and I thank you for the rapid response. With the season ending and my fanatical desire for the authentic, I have been haunted by a very good /knowledgible east coast judge asking the question of felt backing on the rear bonnet support. If the 140 you refer to is accurate and didn't offer this felt seal, then I dont know why the 150 would. If you hear more. please let me know.
While I have your ear--should the washers abutting the manifold be natural finish or black oxide?


Ron Gaertner

Submitted by SW03-09811 on Sat, 11/27/2004 - 17:46

In the XK120, there's a thin felt seal between the front end of main bonnet lateral stiffener (at the rear of the bonnet) and the lower bonnet skin. It must have been inserted when the stiffener was welded in place because it is/would be very difficult to stuff it into that particular space after the bonnet is assembled or restored.

Perhaps someone will tell us of others.

I'll send you a picture direct.
