im buyinb xke front end wondering how does it ride does it ride like a drop axle car or like a indepentant front end how does it handle putting if street rod

Submitted by on Tue, 07/22/2003 - 21:56

It rides like an independent suspension, because that's what it is. One of the best riding sportscars of it's era.

But you're not asking the right questions....the fact that it works correctly in one car, means nothing if you move it to another. For instance, how heavy is your vehicle? The E-Type was between 2600 and 3200 lbs. You're pretty limited as to springing, because your torsion bars can't get bigger than about .900". So if your street rod is based on a big American car with a thumping big V8, you may find you're undersprung. What wheels will you use? The E-Type used skinny 15" wire wheels and tires. You will need to find space for the torsion bar, and a way of reacting it into your chassis. And on and on...

Mike Frank