Edited on 2008-01-21 15:03:06

Edited on 2008-01-21 14:51:21

Should JCNA being doing more to raise money for a Charity or Charities?

JCNA could help really help to raise money to cure cancer, help save rain-forests and the resident jaguars (not Jaguars) or (????) as a corporate purpose of JCNA.

Some reasons for doing the above are:

(i.) it's an inherently good thing to do (and it feels
good and so should add fun to our events);

(ii.) it may appeal to those sought-after, new young members come out
the woodwork;

(iii.) it will raise JCNA's profile in the media and with the public;

(iv.) it will (re)motivate our existing and future volunteers and
participants to work for a good cause;

(v.) it will increase good sportmanship by creating a higher purpose
in competing against each other;

(vi.) it may be an incentive to new members to join and new
volunteers to step forward;

(vii.) it will pre-emept unfounded complaints that JCNA is about
a bunch of frivolous, elitist hobbyists that are wasting their
time and money;

(viii.) it will help the reputation of antique car owners generally to
be seen as being socially responsible citizens rather than
unfairly pegged as selfish, polluting joyriders who ought to be
taxed/legislated out of existence by political opportunists
(I believe that there will be some rough times in the future
for classic car onwers);

(ix.) it might unite our disparate and isolated clubs to a common

(x.) Jaguar Co. may join in to help JCNA as "doing good" is good
corporate policy;

(xi.) it might generate a tax receipt (although this should not be a
critical factor);

(xii.) Other clubs and umbrella groups of other marques may join in
and enrich the donation - cooperation is more likely if the
purpose is charitable;

(xiii.) Lastly, why should Shriners get all the fun and respect at the
parades? (but I do dig those Cushman rides).

If each JCNA club raised an average $1,000 (which I think is setting the bar too low for most JCNA clubs) that's over $50,000 from JCNA to a deserving charity(charities?)each year!

I am interested in your thoughts in this regard.


Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S, etc.

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 15:07

Edited on 2008-01-28 17:10:04

There are painful, logistical issues beyond the scope of my initial post when we start to look at tax receipts in the three legal regimes of the US, Canada and Mexico.

The implmentation issues (i.e. taxes) do hurt the feasibility of the bare bones idea I set out in the first post (the needed reality check).

So, on the issue of taxes - my comments ...

1. Presently, tax receipts, if any, could presumably ONLY come from
a recipient charity and not JCNA.

2. JCNA COULD advise a charity how to issue tax receipts but I have
suggested 50 clubs donating an average $1,000 each for
$50,000/year. This will stem the underlinig amassing of 1,000s
of individuals gifts and would entail a potential logistical
nightmare for the recipient charity(i.e. "... here's $50,000 and
3,000 names for tax receipts! - Gee, thanks JCNA").

3. Alternatively, JCNA could run its own JCNA Trust/Foundation in
order to issue tax receipts to its own donors and flow the trust
money on to the charities (ie Belizian(sp?) jaguars) but this
alternative may be equally unwieldy and unacceptable.

4. A similar request to look at establishing a JCNA Foundation
was previously and soundly rejected on a rjected motion at the
AGM in Houston. The proposed motion requested consideration of
the feasibility of a JCNA Foundation that could accept gifts of
historically important cars and issue tax receipts for them and
show them, etc. just like the JDHT (UK). The report I received
was that this motion died a quick death in Houston through the
AGM democratic process.

And so, I see that the charity idea is, indeed, vulnerable to fair comment/opinion that it ought to be discarded as unworkable.

However, I also respectfully disagree with such opinion as I believe (as one JCNA member) it is worth the effort to go for it and overcome the obstacles foreseen and unforeseen.


Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada

Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 13:37

Cliff, I'm not familiar with tax laws but that woudlnt' affect local clubs contributing to charities and JCNA simply encouraging it by gathering data...

Pascal Gademer

Submitted by cburk@kiva.net on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 12:56

I'm starting to get some offline feedback wrt this topic and it appears (to me) that our good intentions need to be reviewed by the lawyers who are familiar with the articles that incorporated us as a 501c(7) organization 50 years ago. Apparently US law allows 27 different kinds of non-profits and we file annually as a (7).

As a non-lawyer, I'll leave resolution of this topic to them. I wouldn't expect them to do anything to jeopardize JCNA's tax exempt status. Apparently, our current practice at the club level of donating to worthwhile charities is not an issue (or the IRS would've said something earlier).


Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 09:25

i wonder if an easier and better way to approach this woudlnt' be to have gather a list of each individual club charity contributions and possibly set an overall $ goal for the entire organization.

it would...
- let each club decide which charity they want to support
- encourage a competition within the clubs, increasing donations
- allow JCNA to support charities without using JCNA funds since the budget is tight

let's not forget that JCNA is just a parent organization, unlike other clubs where members pay their dues nationally and national sends some of it locally. This is an important difference which limits what JCNA can do.

it would be easy to setup and promote. We could quickly ask local clubs to send a list of the charities they supported in 2007, name, goal, $ amount, along with a brief explanation about the charity and the link to the site.

this would be sent to the regional directors who would gather the data and send it to Mike for the journal and myself for the website.

at the AGM, the delegates could set a goal for 2008. Throughout the year, clubs woudl send in reports of their donations to their regdirs who woudl in turn forward it for posting on the website so that all could track our progress.

Easy to do... no need to wait for months...

Pascal Gademer

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 17:04

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Pacific Jaguar.ca
Dear All,
Jaguar cars are very similar to the animals, they have been created by man , and quite often are neglected by them. Our Jaguars are helpless if we do not care for them and keep them strong.
Our for legged feline is also endangered by the human brigade, there is also little they can do to protect themselves from our ravages of their territories. The same ides as the Oceans inhabitants that are being depleted because bottom dragging nets and accessories are being used to fill someones bank accounts that really are already overflowing.
Sir William took the name of our people friendly animal and placed it on our cars, can we give something back , perhaps.....

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 14:47

It's done. The is motion made re: a voluntary (ie not compulsory) national charity drive for JCNA to help Jaguar Co. help jaguars (Pantherae).

It is up to the AGM to float or sink this proposal.

Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S, etc.

Submitted by cordag@aol.com on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 11:44

I still think the only charity with the possibility of universal appeal to a Jaguar Club membership is that of the jaguar itself. Sir Lyons did us in when he named the car after a living, breathing, animal. A pretty awesome animal, actually. Jaguar Cars seemed to take it seriously enough, and have backed jaguar conservation causes since the 80s.

Of course, there are many things more important to worry about when it comes to the transition they are about to go through. Some do not care whether Tata continues that conservation, but I hope they are able to.

I also wonder if they will continue the new car purchase discount to JCNA members. I hope some members took advantage of that benefit while it was availalbe in 2007.

Things have been tough for both the Jaguar marque and the Panthera Onca. Who will go extinct first?

Submitted by cburk@kiva.net on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 10:13

John - I think you sum it up in plain English.

Dan - I think you're right. Given that JCNA operates on a budget and is reluctant to raise dues, a donation to charity is more likely to arise toward the end of a budget year when it looks like we can afford it. This view would rankle some who might argue that we should give until it hurts and not from our surplus. The counterpoint is that we're a non-profit organization and their are plenty of other ways for individuals to support their favorite charity.

Some people want to contribute to the United Way while some prefer to donate directly to the org of their choice. Different strokes...


Submitted by NC43-62049 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 18:01

Cliff - Formal motion will be done today.

This motion will not pass based on comments herein to keep the charity local.

Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S, etc.

Submitted by SC20-30420CJ on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 17:09

Edited on 2008-01-23 17:12:08

I think that sometimes, car enthusiasts link up with charities to give their events a more serious tone. If it's all done "for the charity", then the guys can feel better about playing with their cars all day instead of taking the kids to the ball game or spending time with their wives or some other less selfish endeavour. It's like they're saying, "Oh, I wouldn't be doing all this foolishness except it's for such a good cause." I'm not saying anyone here is that way, it's just what I've noticed over the years attending scads of car events. We guys need to learn how to have fun without making it such a chore. When kids start up a game in a vacant lot, nobody says, "Hey, we should donate to a charity." They just play ball and enjoy the day.

I give lots of money and time to charities and ministries, but I'm not in favor of using national JCNA dues to support any charity. It's not fair to the many club members who happen to support some other charity more than the one chosen by the club. If we're going to donate to charities, we should only do it on a local level.

John Testrake
Jaguar Association of Greater St. Louis
74 XJ12L rhd, 85 XJ6

Submitted by cburk@kiva.net on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 16:01

I support your good heart but, as the other Regional Director in the NC region, I recall a motion at the Seattle AGM in April 05 that was intended to encourage prior collaboration so that delegates don't take a disproportionate amount of time debating and wordsmithing something everyone would prefer to have had considered earlier. Many motions needed to be thoroughly considered by the appropriate committee first (rally, slalom and concours) and many "last minute" motions were creating unintended consequences.

For your notion/motion to be considered, it needs to be invented (drafted) and submitted to Sherman Taffel NLT Jan 28. That allows the (now required) 2 months prior to an AGM for proper consideration by all concerned. The result is that clubs will be notified loooong before their delegates arrive for the AGM as to what business will be on the table. The thinking is that clubs will have time to assess their members and develop a yea or nay vote to cast once the motion arrises on the floor of the AGM. In the case of my club, we'll have 2 meetings to discuss anything intended to be brought to the AGM. Concurrently any affected committee would have time to evaluate something under their purview.

Hope this helps,


Submitted by NC43-62049 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 15:36

1. It seems that JCNA's raisons d'etre keep evolving even after 50 years.

2. Charity might be the missing link between JCNA, Jaguar Cars and the 50+ local clubs.

3. I emphasize that individual and/or club particpation whould be discretionary and voluntary and not another "tick off fee".

4. Yes, I really do think being visible in the local, regional and national media giving large donations to deserving charities could help rather than hurt the issue of "JCNA Stagnation" and, yes, I may be off base on that too.

5. I have informally asked the JCNA-NC Regional rep. to make a motion at the AGM on this issue and let the chips fall where they may (my version of proposition style democracy).

Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S, etc.

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 12:05

"By the way, that "old lady" , your words, certainly not mine, that bumped you for dirt at the Franklin event is not too happy with your discription of her!"

Bob, I figured Franklin was a distant memory in everyone's mind, and I sure as heck didn't think anyone remembered who judged what...I sure didn't.

Regardless, "old lady" was a poor choice of words, because as anyone can tell you, I ain't no spring chicken either! But now that I think about it, she was really quite young and attractive...and very knowledgable about dust! ;-)

Please impart my sincere apology; I meant no disrespect.

Patrick McLoad

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 11:56

Hey Patrick, Only pulling your leg about Darlene beeing upset, but you are right about her being an "expert on dust", as she should be after cleaning our cars for the past 25+ years! And we also remember you finishing your car in the parking lot at the hotel!

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 11:38

"By the way, that "old lady" , your words, certainly not mine, that bumped you for dirt at the Franklin event is not too happy with your discription of her!"

Bob, I figured Franklin was a distant memory in everyone's mind, and I sure as heck didn't think anyone remembered who judged what...I sure didn't.

Regardless, "old lady" was a poor choice of words, because as anyone can tell you, I ain't no spring chicken either! But now that I think about it, she was really quite young and attractive...and very knowledgable about dust! ;-)

Please impart my sincere apology; I meant no disrespect.

Patrick McLoad

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 11:04

You know Art, that might just work. I like it.

However in the real world the average Jaguar enthusiast would appear to be of limited means and only able to own a Jag because of the low cost of purchasing a preowned one. This is somewhat born out when you consider the vast membership numbers attained by the DIY boards such as Jag-Lovers.org, where Jaguar owners have flocked to learn how to work on these cars themselves in order I assume, to ovoid the high cost of getting them serviced by licensed professionals. I am told that wealthy people don't have to worry about trivial things such as cost.

I only proposed increasing the benefits offered by JCNA to its members as an easy and inexpensive vehicle to be used to attract increase membership. An increase in JCNA membership would incidentally go hand in hand with an increase membership for all the local clubs. Result being, additional money in every clubs treasury and therefore more money for them to donate to deserving charities such as those that have been mentioned so far.

However if people don't believe this to be an acceptable way to accomplish such a daunting task. I will just shut up and not mention it again.

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #31 Canadian Edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Soveriegn

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 10:56

Good Morning Patrick,
Like you I feel that the support of any charity should be done on a club level, not national level. JAGM has had an annual charity auction at our October club meeting for at least the past 25 years with the chosen charity voted on for approval by the club members. This charity is always one that one of our members is involved with so we have first hand knowledge of how our donation is being used . Our auction, with all items donated by club memgers, raises from $1000 to $2500 each year and most members attend with the thought of donating X number of dollars and if they actually win something that they can use or need that's great, if not, that's OK too.
By the way, that "old lady" , your words, certainly not mine, that bumped you for dirt at the Franklin event is not too happy with your discription of her!

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 10:23

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Pacific Jaguar.ca

good point re stagnation, what we should do is give all but one of our cars to other people who admire them, this way if we get the other new owners to join JCNA we could double or triple the membership for JCNA

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 09:38

I personally believe that JCNA should stay out of making donations to charitable organizations altogether, but JCNA should encourage local clubs to do so. Don't get me wrong, I like Jaguar cats as much as anyone. But there are also small kids from poor families in burn units too. If saving the Jaguar cat or saving whales is your passion, then I would suggest you personally contribute to these good causes. (We here at JCoH have given thousands to the local zoo for their Jaguar habitat and efforts along these lines.)

But for JCNA as an organization to contribute brings in yet one more item that has to be researched and managed, and from what I can see, JCNA already has a full plate. Making a charitable donation is not going to bring more people to an event...do you really think that is why they are staying away? Do you really think that is a part of their decision-making process? If that is the case, then you also stand to drive people away from the event by choosing the WRONG charity.

So what is it going to be and why? The Jaguars or the kids or the homeless? And why is one more deserving than the other? Who knows what Tata may do; who cares. What about JDHT...is it worth saving? Do we make a yearly contribution to them?

Again, don't get me wrong....I am fine with a person or small local group making contributions. But once we start dumping thousands into a charity, lets find out where the money will go and how it will be spent. I would assume that MOST of us would like to see the money go directly to the needy as opposed to having paid for the postage on the charity's most recent mailing, or funded a political trip to Washington to lobby for their cause. If we all give locally, then we can pretty much see where it goes. Perhaps JCNA should split up whatever funds thay want to give to charity, divide it amongst the clubs, and let the clubs give it to a good local cause.

(My personal opinion, and I do not speak for the club)

Patrick McLoad
JC Houston

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 00:37

Edited on 2008-01-23 0:43:22

Edited on 2008-01-23 0:41:53

Dan. Your proposal concerning charitable donations being made by JCNA and all its clubs is very commendable. However I was always under the impression that the Toronto Club, OJOA of which you are also one of the directors always made a charitable donation to a local worthy cause each year. Would it now be your clubs intention to divert that yearly donation to a save the Jaguar project from now on or are you planning to continue on with that one and then make an additional club donation to the save the Jaguars. I am sure other clubs would be interested to know how you intend handling this situation that may also find themselves in a similar situation.

In addition, earlier in January you made a post discussing the high rate at which Jaguars depreciate. You now seem to have come to the conclusion in this last post of yours, that all Jaguar owners have to be wealthy because they own and drive these luxury cars. So you therefore believe that JCNA does not need to offer additional incentives above those already offered in order to attract new members. Are you by any chance suggesting that by offering all these wealthy people that drive Jaguars the chance to be able to make a charitable donation to a very worthwhile cause, would be all the motivation required to get them to become members of JCNA. Sounds like a typical Ford type-marketing plan to me. Hey but if it works go for it.

Remember though that the JCNA membership figures have been stagnating around the 6,000 mark for the past four years and we are all getting older. I would say that indicates something needs to be done to correct it. Don't you.

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #31 Canadian Edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Soveriegn

Submitted by cordag@aol.com on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 22:32

I assume anyone buying a car helped Jaguar Cars to contribute to conservation. I wonder if Tata (?) plans to continue the efforts.

On a local level, both the dealership and club can find some way to help. I read about a Florida dealership that donated, even though the two rescued jaguars later died.

It's great if clubs can support humanitarian causes. Most non-JCNA events I attend have one - big or small...from Make-A-Wish Foundation to reconditioned and donated cars for a local battered women's shelter.
It may be impossible to agree on a singular cause for JCNA to back other than the endangered jaguar itself. They are magnificent beasts, with characteristics our cars attempt to emulate. It's an honor and a privilege to be associated.

Here's an interesting site in California with jaguars--the "Cat House" http://www.cathouse-fcc.org/jaguar.html

Are you attending the AGM? I may see you there. I think the deadline for submission of a written proposal is about week from now.

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 20:31

I /Ginger:

... Now that is exciting stuff (at least for me). I didn't understand what I fumblingly, trying to convey until you made such lucid and concrete suggestions on the point.

... It would a thrill if JCNA made a SUBSTANTIAL contribution to Jaguar UK/US/Canada's lofty goal of saving the jaguars and their rainforest environs.

... It would be even greater thrill if JCNA's clubs really WANTED to do something like this and got excited about it.

... I recently saw threads about getting something more for your JCNA membership fee. I didn't add much to that thread becuase I just plain disagree with the premises at its core. I think, rather, that JCNA members are, for the most part, lucky & privileged people who are able to afford to buy and maintain rare, luxury car(s). That being the case, I further believe that JCNA members can also afford give a little back just like Jaguar UK/USA/Canada can and does.

... I have seen, many, many times, personal generosity, sportmanship and random acts of kindness by my own club members and at neighbouring clubs. I believe that JCNA is full of generous people. I would like to harness that innate spirit of genorosity into something bigger like helping save a species or disaster relief, etc. (Charity directed towards needy humans would be way cool too).

... Are you going to the AGM? I would like see this idea launched (or shot down) without delay.

... P.S. When I a read the word "Pantera" all I could think of was "Powered by Ford".

II / Art:

... I like the tie-in to corporate Jaguar. The current lead suiter, Tata, has billions - there will be some to spare for endangered jaguars.


III / Pascal:

... Any club that is not interested in a charity drive - fine - different strokes for different folks.
... P.S. I would like to help you save the endangered "Rallying Jaguar" - cross your fingers for this year or next for a rally hereabouts.


Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S, etc.

Submitted by cburk@kiva.net on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 20:30

A few thoughts for all...
At the Challenge Championship in Indy JCNA supported the Collectors Foundation for the first time. I'm told we were the first car club to team with them. Details are on page 31 of the "Septober" issue of the Jag Journal. Although the article talks of a 60/40 split (which was the original concept), the BOD decided in October that the Foundation should get ALL of the donations (not just the proceeds) and that JCNA would round the amount upwards. We also looked into supporting the Indy zoo but they didn't have any jaguars (and donating one to them wasn't practical).
We also explored the notion of TV coverage during the JCC - even a spot on GMA as the cars were staging for the motorcycle escorted trip to the concours venue. To our surprise, we'd have had to hire a PR firm to make that happen. Even getting local TV coverage was a trick (an not very satisfying).
Otherwise, my club has donated to the local Children's hospital, the club in Louisville has donated to their local zoo, JAGM has their annual cancer auction, and the list goes on.
Bottom line - we were never at a loss for good ideas. Execution was the challenge.

Submitted by cordag@aol.com on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 15:35

Here's some more background on helping the big cat we all love ...
The Jaguar = Panthera onca

Jaguar Cars started helping through the World Land Trust - Here's some news about it from 2003. They've been doing it for four years now.

[excerpt quote from article]
...."Jaguar is possibly the only major corporation that has dedicated itself to the preservation of the very species from which it derives its name," comment Powers. "I am very pleased to be associated with Jaguar as they build a programme that will have a far reaching effect not only on jaguar preservation, but the habitat in which this remarkable animal lives."

Jaguar started its support of jaguar-related conservation in the mid 1980's through an initiative by Jaguar Canada that expanded the world's only jaguar sanctuary 30-fold and safeguarded nearly 100,000 acres of tropical forest in Belize. Since then, Jaguar headquarters in the UK has donated $3 million for the construction of a state-of-the-art rainforest exhibit and breeding environment at the world-renowned Chester Zoo in the UK. In the US, Jaguar has committed $1 million to the Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo, which helps to fund research, and species protection programmes for jaguars in the wild.

"Through a number of different projects and sponsorships in the past, we have built up an association with jaguar preservation," comments Richard Beattie, Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Jaguar Land Rover North America. "It is now time to take our conservation efforts to the next level and ensure that the future of our namesake is protected."
[End quote]

Here's updates from 2006 and 2007:

There is also the "Save the Jaguar" effort through the Wildlife Conservation Society

Besides saving the rainforest, there are some actual jaguars in captivity around North America. You could look to see if one is close enough to your club area to support and possibly visit the cat(s). I was very surprised and happy to find one locally. We love going to see Maya; she is great.

I also found a product lately that I think my club will love. They are supporting the conservation of Jaguar habitat with some of their profits. You'll love this.... Jaguar Vodka. You could benefit yourself at the same time you benefit an endangered species!! :-)


Submitted by NC43-62049 on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 13:00

Art - Right on! Jaguars for jaguars.

Ginger - I am partial to the jaguar for Jaguar cause.

How do we proceed?

Bearing in mind Pascal's club automony issues.


Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada

'90 XJ-S FHC
'59 XK150-S OTS
ca. '89 XJ-S Jr. OTS

Submitted by cordag@aol.com on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 11:08

Edited on 2008-01-22 11:36:24

Jaguar Cars has been supporting the endangered jaguar species and that is very important. We drive cars with their name and image, and we should help them.

My club gives 1/2 the concours proceeds to our "human" cause - the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. One of our lovely senior members, Jo Cavallero, has Parkinson's, and we chose it as our charity in her honor.

My club members also help support (almost $1000 given last year) a live jaguar in sanctuary here in central Florida...her name is Maya. We usually do it through a once a year donation (adoption) and then supplement with ALL proceeds from fun rallies. I ask the participants to write the check directly to the charity so they are able to receive a tax credit for their donation. We don't keep a dime.

Yes, it feels good. Yes, it's the right thing to do.

While I think all clubs should strive to have a good "cause," I also agree that JCNA could do the same in some way. Perhaps just contributing to the "pet" cause of the chapters would be a meaningful gesture.
"If you have a cause, JCNA cares about it, too."

Ginger Corda
Jaguar Club of Florida

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 22:09

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Pacific Jaguar.ca

There are all kinds of charities out there. I would like to see the JCNA support the real Jaguars that need help in their natural habitat. Belize has a Jaguar Sanctuary I think that would be appropriate for Jaguar people.
Our proud animal has a definite need, and with Ford selling off Jaguar the Jaguar donation to the sanctuary may become non existent.....
I would support this action in any and all ways possible within my means,
Regards, Art

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 19:45

Edited on 2008-01-21 20:01:37

Our local club does make a modest donation every year too.

I was thinking of a JCNA Charity Drive goal sans any micro-management of the local clubs but geared more toward the major JCNA events like the Challenge Championships.

A charitable objective may attract more members, members' families and interested, local people to such events.

Would national TV coverage have influenced more people to come to Indy 500? It woundn't have hurt.

I think the localized charitable efforts would have greater positve impact if the results were pooled in a national drive for the reasons I already listed.

If a local club is not interested in a national charity drive: fine by me. No-one can compel another person or local club to donate - that's not in the sprit of a gift that's just another fee/tax.

I would like to see the JCNA President hand out a donation cheque on TV with some nice cars behind him - so that JCNA can be seen by the population-at-large as doing good things, important things.

I am not sure if any other national clubs organizations are doing this type of drive already.

P.S. ... If the JCNA website wasnt freely accessible, I would pay my JCNA fee just to use it. It's just that good thanks to your hard work behind the scenes.

P.P.S. ... I am also glad that the "SQL ERROR" gibberish does not happen anymore.


D. L.

Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 17:20


many clubs already help local charities thru fundraisers, event proceeds, etc...

one thing that everybody needs to remember is that JCNA is a local club based group, where most of the activity occurs at the local level. membership, events, etc... it's up to the local clubs who often don't want the "national" structure to interfere...

so, i'm not sure what JCNA could do at the North American level.
