Date: Mar, 19 2009 Mar, 21 2009
Executive Committee Election:
(no change from 2008)
President: Steve Kennedy
Vice President: Dick Maury
Secretary: Sherman Taffel
Elected Member: Steve Weinstein
2009 JCNA Officers and Board
Front row, from left: Brock McPherson, acting legal counsel; Sherman Taffel, secretary and NE director; Ginger Corda, SE director; and Dennis Eynon, past president.
Back row, from left: Brian Blackwell, SC director; Tom Krefetz, SW director; Steve Kennedy, president and SW director; Dick Maury, vice president and SE director; Chuck Taunt, NW director; Gary Kincel, NC director; Cliff Burk, (outgoing) NC director; and Bryan Williams, NC director.
Missing from the photo are Nelson Rath, treasurer and administrator, Dave Belanger, SC director, and Doug Ingram, NW director.
Andrew Whyte Award: Rick Martin, Jaguar Owners Club of Oregon
Fred Horner Award: None, No member qualifiefd
Dealer of the Year: Jaguar of Oklahoma City
Karen Miller Award: Linda Young, The Cat Tale, Jaguar Club of Tulsa
(scroll down to the bottom of the page for complete newsletter award list)
Articles and coverage of the AGM:
- by Susan Curtis, JANE and Proxy holder for JCSNE
- Schedule -
Early Arrival, mostly for board members as the Friday Board Meeting will start at 7:30.
Board Meeting 7:30-1:00
9:00 to 1:00 there will be a bus available to Northfield Shopping Center for those interested. There is also a great air museum which opens at 10 am which is not far from the shopping center. $9 per person.
10:00-11:00 Seminar 1 -- Hagerty Insurance, Judy Vada
1:00-2:00 Seminar 2 -- Rule Book Appendix E of Authorized Accessories, Dick Cavicke
3:00 pm Busses to Cussler Museum
AGM is scheduled for 7:30 to 3:00, including lunch. Cocktails and awards banquet that evening.
The Package Fee is $175 which includes:
-Friday Board Meeting (includes breakfast and lunch)
-Friday bus ride to either the shopping area or the air museum. You must pay for everything you buy and eat at the shopping area and you must pay your own entry fee of $9 per person at the air museum.
-Hagerty and Rule Book seminars
-Friday bus trip to Cusslers (includes dinner)
-Saturday AGM (includes lunch)
-Saturday Banquet
2/2/09 Bylaws Change
Article III & Article IV - Eliminate / Limit Proxy voting
Article IV - Parliamentary authority clarification
Article IV - AGM planning clarification
Article X - Amendments (logistics)
Article V - Officer terms clarification
Article VI - Director terms clarification
2/3/09 JCRC Concours rule change
Judging Rule Amendment Process: The BOD approved an 'Appeals Process for rulings of the JCRC,Protest, Slalom & Rally committee that would prevent a presentation of a member's rule change proposal for an AGM delegate vote. The member's proposal, if rejected by any of the 4 committees, may submit the proposal to the BOD 'as an appeal'. If the BOD agrees by a 2/3 vote, that the proposal should be brought to the AGM floor, it will be placed on the AGM agenda
The BOD's intent was to establish an appeals process for the 4 committees.
Chapter I - Club Trophies; Suggested changing "Display" category to "Enthusiast" (Note: JCRC is working on possible new name for Driven Division)
Chapter II - Entry Requirements
Chapter II - Driven Division (Trailering) (Amended to permit trailering of Driven Division cars 35 years or older; a floating year instead of 1974)
Chapter IV - Entrant Spirit - Sent back to committee for further work on wording
Chapter V - License Plate Frames
Chapter VI - Replacement Parts - (Amended to make a few wording changes)
Chapter VI - Pin Striping - (Amended to reduce Max. Deduct. to 1.0) Reference table forthcoming
3/9/09 Rally Proposals
Steve Kennedy